1st Day of MoBap

First day of classes.

I actually got up and moving fairly early today and had time for a hot breakfast. I know that doesn't sound like a big deal to most of you but you have to understand that this is my 7th semester in college and the first time I've EVER eatten the school's hot breakfast. It was surprisingly good. It was also fun to hang with my suitemates (Nonny, Ashley, and Ebonie).

Treneisha seemed happy that I had Survey of Comps with her. Ashley (a suitemate) was in there, too :)
It was kinda nice starting my first class with two peeps I sorta know.
I have the chance to test out of it and I think I'm going to. It's the same crap I covered in FBLA and won the state medal for.
I did have a talk with Prof West though since he's the head comp sci and he said he could totally use someone like James. I'm writing this in here so I can remember to tell him, hehe.

After class I chilled on campus a bit. I went to financial aid and then went by admissions and bugged Clayton. Ok, so the real reason I went by was to drop Chorale. I found out after talking to an advisor that I probably can't handle it with the load I'm taking and well, a good GPA just means a lot to me.

I met CC while waiting for class to start. She seems pretty cool. Chandrelle or something like that is her real name but she goes by CC. MJ was in there, too. I was like "oh great, more karaoke buds" because it seemed like my entire group had been in my first class.

PreCalculus doesn't look quite as bad as I thought it would. Dr.Deese seems like a nice guy. I was actually interested to hear about his past job experiences. I don't know something about knowing he has his BS in Aerospace Engineering and a PhD in Mechanical Engineering and spent years working on the Delta for what is now known as Boeing...just seems to make him a more knowledgeable teacher. We have a test Weds though to see what we already know. I'm worried about that. I'm scared he'll be like "Um you're dumb, go back to algebra again" 0.o

So before my first class, we had a class prayer and at the end of my second class we had a prayer. It's...just...weird. Not necessarily bad, but odd. I wonder if that's a rule or something.

Justin had lunch with Nonny and I. He seems like a cool kid...kinda weird though. I was amused at how loudly he'd cuss...ya know, with future religious leaders all around :P

Anyway, the day is good so far. I'll let ya know if anything else happens.


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