It Burns...Oh, It Burns...

Today was pretty good. I made a mad dash from MoBap to spend time with the honey.
It was good times. We napped a good portion of the day away.
I took him out for lunch/brunch/dinner today. I feel bad because I don't have a car so in a way he was still paying for some of it. We hit up Buffalo Wild Wings...which is a must, especially during "this time" if you get my drift. Anyway, I ordered "hot" knowing perfectly well that "medium" was uber hot...needless to say IT BURNS, OH IT it comes back out.


Anyway, Kristen/James/Lori came to town. We saw Kristen a bit but somehow missed out on finding James/Lori :(
We'll have to just go to Rolla soon and kidnap them all. (Hey ya'll, what weekend works for you?)

In other news...I'm NOT one of the oldest afterall in my dorm. I met a 27 year old today that's friggin' awesome. We totally have to hang. We hit it off great :)

So...I need YOU ALL to do me a favor. I moved EVERYTHING around today so I could put the printer on my desk (I have a printer fetish, dont ask). Anyhow, I need things to print to hang up! It has to be clean since this is a Baptist college (and we don't want to scare my roomie)
So email me if you have suggestions. I recommend using my new one. 0605117 at
I would have made that a link but then spammers would have picked up on it quicker :P


It's burning again.
I have to go.

Note: Avoid "Hot" for a while O.o

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