
Becky actually wanted to hang out with me today. :|
You should know...she may be my sister, but we've never been close. She's 11 years older than me. I don't really talk about Becky all that much but suddenly, I feel the urge.
Becky was diagnosed with Oppositional Defiant Disorder when she was young. I'd source the link but I don't have it anymore. I just have this saved in a word document, but for those of you who know nothing about the disorder:
"It's a pattern of negativistic, hostile, and defiant behavior lasting at least 6 months, during which four (or more) of the following are present:
often loses temper
often argues with adults
often actively defies or refuses to comply with adults' requests or rules
often deliberately annoys people
often blames others for his or her mistakes or misbehavior
is often touchy or easily annoyed by others
is often angry and resentful
is often spiteful or vindictive "
I know at first it just sounds like a mouthy teen to most people...but it's something she won't ever outgrow. She's still this way. It's kinda like this...if you tell her to do something, she'll do the opposite. So if you tell her the opposite, she may do it or may do the opposite still. Either way, it's like you can't win. She has no control over it.
She's improved, I think at least. She was put in a children's home when she was like 12. Really they should have had her sooner. My Mom recognized that she had a problem but my Dad had been in denial so they didn't seek help soon enough for her. She was wild. At first they thought she was wild as a result of trying to cope with the fact she had been raped in junior high by a guy that's in prison now for raping an ungodly high number of boys and girls.
She was like a parent's nightmare as a teen. She did the drugs, the drinking, the partying, the shacking...she'd sneak guys behind the garage to be naughty with them.
Subsequently, my parents were harder on Cassie and I in hopes we wouldnt be that way.
The problem is...they have no trust in me to the point that at 20, they still don't trust me to be alone with my boyfriend.

Anyway the place Becky wanted to go with me ended up being closed we went our seperate ways again. We plan on trying to hang some before I go back to UMR. She's off next Tuesday, so we'll see.

I know ...I shared WAY too much info about her...probably more than you ever wanted to know. But I'm not ashamed of my sister. I'm proud of the adult she's become. I'm proud of her for fighting her inner struggles. I'm proud of how hard she's trying to be a good mother.
I'm also very happy that she wants to hang out with me. It cant make up for the childhood of us being apart, but maybe someday we'll be at least good friends.

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