Best Christmas

I could write about my gifts.
I could write about my stocking.
I could write about baby Danielle giggling.
I could write about how much I love James.

but for today...there's something extra special

for the first time in Dad was nice.
He giggled.
He joked.
He flirted with my Mom.
He didn't really raise his voice.
He talked with me.
He sung with me.
He was great at the table.
He played the keyboard with me.
He told me I can have his old .22
He told me he loved me.
Yes...he said it.
He loves me.

For the first time in years...I had a super Christmas.
Seeing my Dad this was the best gift I could ever ask for.
*tears up*

I know to some of you it doesn't sound like a big deal.
I know you don't know how coldhearted or selfish my Father can be.
You don't know how emotionally abusive he is.
You don't know how long I've wanted him to say he loved me...not because my Mom made him say it, but because he wanted to.

You don't know how much it meant to me today.
*goes to cry happy tears*


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