DTD/Pi Kapps/Sig Chi

Hmm...today was ok.

I woke up feeling uber sick. I somehow made it through though without puking.

Today we had a social with Delta Tau Delta, Pi Kappa Phi, and Sigma Chi. We were going to go to Lane Springs but it was raining so we went to Schuman instead. The Delts were awesome but we already knew they'd be. Everyone loves the Delts, right? I'm still "Gamer Girl" or "James's Ex" though...so we gotta work on that. I think I'll hit Marshmellow Marshall for that. The Pi Kapps are awesome too. The only one I knew though was Josef and he semi forgot me...which sucked but ya know, I sooooo have to hang with that boy now that we've caught up some. Sigma Chi was kinda well...distant...quite literally. They went to the other end of the park and really didn't join us much. Darn it....now I still don't know who the cute rushee is :(

Denny's tonight with Lori, Adie, and Kristen was a blast. It's super good to be back. I missed Adie a lot so I was glad when she got back :)

I'm tired but bored.
I'm bored but got things to do.
I'm sick but healthy.
I'm just...not ready for school to start back up.

I so dread classes on Monday.

On a brighter note though...formal recruitment is almost here. Yay!

Anyway, I should go...oh and I find out who my secret sis and secret alumna is soon :)


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