
I guess I should catch you up :)

The social yesterday with Beta Sigma was awesome. It was mocktails and tours. Kristen and I had 3 freshmen boys in our group. Nathan seemed super shy but he was a cute sweetie. Andrew was kinda annoying actually. He kept talking about how Kristen reminded him of some girl he used to date or some crap. He was totally always whining about how strange girls are. I totally loved "Dances" though. Wesley is going to now be known as "Dances with Wolves" or "Dances" for the rest of his college career. Why? Because he swing dances and because his senior ring has a wolf in the gem. Anyway, they were awesome kids... we must hang with Dances again sometime. He's going to teach me to swing dance *nods*

Anyway.... today we had a social with Kappa Alpha. They were pretty cool guys. The tour and bbq went rather well :)

Oh last night was a party at Kappa Sigma. It was so great to see the DTD guys there. Alexis, Marshall, Brian... well they just kick ass! Besides, it was kinda nice to know I'm still "gamer girl" and that more people think of me as "james's ex" than "nick's ex"....know what I mean?

Man....almost makes me wanna call James up and say hey.

Anyway gotta jet... I'm so busy. Party tonight at KA :)

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