Find Me In The Club

So yesterday was rather amusing.

The morning went rather slow. In the afternoon, it decided to storm and Danelle and I had to go to Wal-Mart in the rain. Oh the joys..haha

The meeting last night was actually not so was great to finally see the sisters in one room. Yay for us :)

James was in Kristen, Jen, and I decided to hang with him. We went to the Rockin R club in St Roberts. I decided right then...I'm definitely not a club person. Maybe it was awkward since we couldnt drink, I dont know.

I was locked out of the annex when I got back though. Gah, door codes. LOL. Poor Lori had to be woken but she didn't mind.

Welp that sums it up. I must go finish my juice. It's a funky juice. Ruby Red Tangerine's kinda nice for a change but definitely some stout stuff.

Today is packed full of stuff....hopefully it'll be fun :)


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