Stolen From Lori

I STOLE THIS FROM MY LIVEJOURNAL...WHICH I STOLE FROM ...Lori who stole it from Jon who stole it from Jomanda...blahblah...

What color(s) is most reflective of you?

How did you get the idea for your Livejournal name?
psychology class at Quincy, it was my codename that was assigned to me

(How about diaryland? it's my name)

What time were you born?
hell if I know, I was too young to remember, but I think close to noon

What song are you playing now, or wish you were playing?
My Happy Ending - Avril Lavigne

Has the death of a celebrity ever made you cry?
no...but ask me when Nick Carter dies

What color underwear are you wearing?
it's striped orange and red with the glitter word "Hottie"

Do you want a baby?
ask me when I find out if I am pregnant for sure or not

What does your mom do for a living?
she works in a home with mentally challenged women

What does your dad do for a living?
he is a correctional officer (prison guard)

What color are your bedsheets?
dark blue (nick has my purple ones and lord knows I'll never see that again)

What are the last 3 digits of your phone number?

What was the last movie you saw:
Jack Frost

...Mean Girls, I think

Who do you dislike most at this moment?

What food/drink are you craving right now?
banana peppers

Did you dream last night?
yes, unfortunatly it was about Nick

What was the last tv show you watched?
7th Heaven

What is your favorite piece of jewelry?
my KD lavaliere

What is to the left of you?
my desk

What was the last thing you ate?

Who is your best friend of the opposite sex?

Where is your significant other right now?
somewhere in Kansas avoiding me

Do you have a crush?

What is her name?

What shampoo do you use?
it stinks, I know that

When was the last time you cut your hair?
a year ago

Are you on any meds?

Do you have a mental disease?

What shirt are you wearing?
a white wife beater

What time is it?
8:52 pm

What color is your razor?

What is your fave frozen treat?
frozen cherry coke

Are you sexy?

Whats your favorite shopping store?

Are you thirsty?

Could you imagine yourself ever getting married?
marriage is bogus

What's on your bedside table?
a stack of dvds, a dead rose, and a teddy bear

What do you eat when you raid the fridge late at night?

What is your secret guaranteed weeping movie?

What is your biggest fear?
being betrayed again

Do you ever have to beg?

Are you a pyromaniac?

Do you have too many love interests?

Do you know anyone famous?

Describe your bed?
a big stack of stuff

Spontaneous or planned?
nothing goes my way

Do you know how to play poker?

What do you carry with you at all times?
my watch

How do you drive?

What do you miss most about being little?

Are you happy with your given name?
NO, it's a guy's name

How much money would it take to get you to give up the Internet for one year?
none, just give me something amusing

What color is your bedroom?
purple and pink

What was the last song you were listening to?
My Happy Ending (still)

Have you ever been in a play?

Who are your best friends?
Lori, Resa, Amy, Adie, Kristen, Constantino, Sarah

Do you talk a lot?

Do you like yourself and believe in yourself?
no and nope

Do you think you're cute?
of course

Do poor, homeless, or starving people sometimes annoy you?
only the fake ones

Do you consider yourself to be a nice person?
when I'm not pms-ing

Do you spend more time with your girlfriend, boyfriend, or your friends?
....uh, myself but I wish I could say my KD sisters :)

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