Jack...makes me scream...

Tonight was my first official night without supervision at work.

Haha. I got the residents to sing "I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream" while I served their desserts (ice cream); it was fun :D


I actually sorta talked to Susu earlier. Heh, I feel like I'm slackin on all my friends. Sorry guys.


Bradley needs to give me that math review book of Kevin's....grrrr....get your booty over here with it!


My roses are dead.

I want roses.

Heck, I want flowers.

REAL flowers.

Hey Jack...*hint**hint*

NAH, just kidding.

But my roses are dead.


Swirls and I were talking about how my Dad is prejudice and he asked what if he had a foreign descent like the ones my dad disapproves of and I said he didn't have to worry b/c my dad would never meet him. AND, this is the part that cracked me up. This just cracked me up.

Here's his response:

Swirls says:

how do you know?

Swirls says:

we could elope, and i guarantee your dad would meet me some day

Roni Ann says:

ROFL....we could not elope

Swirls says:

sure we could

Swirls says:

wanna get hitched, baby?

Swirls says:

there are apparently a couple of drive-thru wedding chapels in tulsa and oklahoma city

Swirls says:

i've got a full tank of gas

Swirls says:

and the $16 in my bank account would almost give me another half of a tank... that'd get us to tulsa

Swirls says:

you'd have to pay for the ceremony, though

Roni Ann says:

eh, sure babe, let's go...

Swirls says:

sweet tits

Swirls says:

i'm gonna get married

Roni Ann says:

yeah to a girl you dont know

Swirls says:

eh, wouldn't be the first time

Roni Ann says:


Swirls says:

oops... did i not tell you i'm divorced?

Swirls says:

you might not want to elope now

Roni Ann says:

aw, no backing out of it now

Swirls says:



I don't know why I posted that last comment about Swirls...but maybe you laughed since it had made me.

He'll probably kill me for posting it though, but hey, it was FUNNY :D


So, there's a couple guys at UMR that I think might actually stalk me.

Yeah, just wanted to say that.


Sam has been in a slump lately.

Cheer up, lil Aussie bro.

I still love you :D


I had yelled at Jack and sorta hurt his feelings last night, but I was the one to cry. We made up and he's uber sweet and we are totally in like with each other. Yes, "in like"...he likes me and I like him :P


My feet hurt and I think I'm going to call Jack now.

No, Jack has nothing to do with my feet...but I do ramble when I think of him...

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