He Makes Me Feel

Work's going good. The residents love me and I'm picking up fast.


I'm happy.

I am.

I don't know when I felt this happy last or if ever.


I totally have started to fall for his whole attitude and personality.

I mean, he's just...wow.

I could be happy forever just shooting the breeze with the boy.

And you know what? He said it. He likes me.

It's just...

It feels like it's so soon, yet feels like it took me forever to get here.

I don't know.

But, I totally like Jack.

Crazy, isn't it?

You know, I dont give a rats ass if he's the ugliest guy ever (and he's not) the point is, it's so his personality.

He's just, so fun to talk to and I enjoy our 3 am convos so much.

Jack, I don't know if I could let you read this journal. Mainly b/c you already have a big head :P

And his voice...

his laugh...

Oh listen to me, I'm rambling about him.


He just, he cheers me up.

He makes me feel again.

He makes me feel good.

He makes me feel happy.

He makes me feel...special.

I can't explain it.

It's just...weird.

Yet, it's so good.

Man, I gotta stop rambling....heh...

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