20 Things

Josh turns 20 on June 4th...so I thought it would be cute if I made a list of the top 20 things I love about him. I haven't put them in order yet, but here's what I have:

(again, this is in no specific order)

20 Things I Love About You

I Love...

1. How you aren�t afraid to lead in a dance.

2. How you know we wont be the same people in years to come, but you know that we will be together

3. All the ways that you inspire me.

4. How you like to play footsie under the table, but only when you think no one knows.

5. How who understand that I can take care of myself, but still want to protect me and take me away.

6. How you believe in me and tell me that I�m beautiful.

7. The way that you don�t just hug, but you tend to hold.

8. The way you like it when I wear your clothes.

9. How your gorgeous eyes seem to show the inner-most part of your soul.

10. How you always seem to know when I need a hug and a big kiss on the forehead.

11. That you understand the importance of a promise.

12. How you sing with me in the car.

13. That we share similar beliefs and faith.

14. That you are willing to wait for marriage to have sex.

15. How you forgive me when I am mean or cranky.

16. How you are honest and trustworthy.

17. That you respect me and would never hurt me.

18. How our heartbeats become one and the world melts away when I�m in your arms.

19. That you let me in on your world and emotions and let me know your secrets.

20. How you love some things that I hate, but realize that it�s okay and makes things interesting.

Now, it's a matter of deciding what order the things belong in. Let me know what ya think.

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