Twas The Night

Twas the night before my cardiologist visit
when all through the room
a printer is printing
and the tv is making noise, too.
No food for the evening.
No caffienated drink.
Fasting, they call it,
fasting...isn't so great.
I suddenly want donuts,
gummy bears,
I want to stay up,
play games,
But no, alas, I can not have...
for tomorrow I am in my cardiologist's hands.
Fast all night
Fast all morning
Then the tests...
not so much glory.
I dread the needles,
I dread the sonography,
I dread the poking and proding,
I dread them looking at me.
This ritual comes at least once a year,
and the night the computer, I am.
Wish me good luck.
Wish my tests to go well.
Wish that I don't faint
and wish they reply with "see you in a few years"
So as I am typing,
asleep I should be,
but twas the night before my cardiologist's appointment,
Dr.Billadello...I soon shall see thee

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