What Now?

I once was told that if you have a problem or just need to talk that you should go to the chaplain. But who does the chaplain go to if it's them who needs to talk?

I really do think I exploded a few minutes ago. Actually I know I did considering a bunch of people came around the corner while I was on the phone...with big eyes...and stared at me. *sighs*

If you are actually mad at me...you should talk to me. It's not like you to just be quiet and it's not like you to stay mad so long.
If you're hurt...talk to me.
If you're not upset...talk to me.
If you don't know what I'm talking about...talk to me.
Moral of the story: WOULD YOU JUST FUCKING TALK TO ME???????

How dare you have the nerve to question my dear sweet mother?
How dare you have the nerve to make ME sound like the bad guy?
How dare you be upset at ME over Tommy?
How dare you?
Really? What kind of nerve do you think you have?
Oh so you think you're scary just because you can beat up your brother?
*I* could beat him up even!
So the point is...if you have a problem with me, instead of running your fucking mouth all around town...why don't you have the nerve to talk to me?

What have I done that is pissing so many people off????


In other news:

~I was told I'm a bad "Gamer Girl" because I kinda sorta accidentally didn't go to the DnD meeting. Um...sorry?
~A Triangle that I have in class informed me today that his house doesnt like me because of Warren. Gee, now that's 2 frats...
~Speaking of frats...what's crawled up some of their asses lately?
~I only got a 68.3% on my bio lab test. I suck like that.
~My printer hates me. It went boom.
~My printer is also out of black ink.
~My newsletters arent done and people are mad at me and I'm trying hard to finish them.
~I'm stressed.
~My info came from two of my GA colleges today.
~I'm almost done reading "cut", I'll finish it later probably.
~A lot of girls are happy for my Halloween Event. Yay, now they can find out how bad I am at planning things.
~I have a sisterhood event next week. Go me.
~2nd Degree is Thursday.
~Initiation is Saturday.
~I have a bio lab test on Tuesday.
~I still don't understand Chi Squares really.
~A woman I went to Eureka Springs with in August...passed away. I'm sad. I really liked this woman. My mom was friends with her :(
~I was invited to go to Angie's later for drinks and just to hang. I think I might...afterall I believe the word "vodka" came up.
~I was asked to go on a date earlier. I was asked by Ryan. No, not the Ryan that wants to impregnant me. And no, not my nephew. I ...kinda didn't answer.
~I still havent figured out who the Sig Tau is that keeps talking to me randomly online.
~I still havent went to Beta Sig to hang with Josh.
~I still havent told Brian that Pi Kappa Phi is still interested.
~I'm a slacker.
~I'm moody.
~Today is not my day.

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