
So I never showed my pictures from my last camping here are some of them from Long Branch:


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No, I wasnt bored. Why? Because I had the Weiners to amuse me.
Who, you ask? THE WEINERS!

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They are a lovely couple...who later decided to have children. However, poor Mrs. Weiner was not able to have they adopted one.

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He may be a Keebler Elf, but by golly...they loved little Elwood :)

Little Elwood grew up though and married another elf and moved far away. Then, sadly, Mrs. Weiner had an incident involving a fall from a table. Mr. Weiner decided to move on with his life and pursue a career in music.

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He was in fact very talented.

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Screaming fans, like my mother, came from all over to watch his shows.

Sadly though, one day Mr. Weiner got too close to a pack of lawn ducks.

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We knew this meant trouble.

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Socks tried to catch up with the lawn ducks, but she just couldnt master flying.

Mr.Weiner was last seen being eatten behind the tent.

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Please do not be fooled by this tent. It is not friendly. I repeat...IT IS NOT FRIENDLY. Trust me, I fell many a times while putting that thing up.

Socks went on with her life, saddened by the loss of the Weiners.

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She decided to take up swimming instead of flying.

The once screaming fans decided to find new things to do. Such as fish.

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That's my dear Dad. He didnt seem too bothered by fishing instead of going to the Weiner Concerts.

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We tried to tell him that no bass could possibly replace the joy that the Weiners brought.

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But he just thought we were crazy.

So the fans are living their life fish filled instead of Weiner filled... Socks is swimming instead of flying...and as for me, I shall avoid evil tents while telling the story of the dear Weiners.

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