Feel The Burn

My arms hurt... my chest hurts... I think I'm not budging for like a week.

Becky wanted this super huge dresser and Mom wanted a loveseat. No big deal...but Dad decided it'd be cool to make me move them out of the store and lift them into the back of the truck basically by myself. Well I felt the burn at the time and a little chest pain because of costro and my scar tissue.. but now, UBER PAIN.

Also I think Sarah hates me. Mom didn't wake me up when she was suppose to because she knew I was cramping all last night. So when she does wake me up it's to see if I hurt, which I did...so she took it upon her self to tell Sarah that *I* said *I* wanted a raincheck for today. That's so not true and well, Mom says Sarah was huffy about it...so I guess I'll have to wait and see.

Hmm...in other news...

-I'm dating Amy, but don't even think of asking. It's a long, drawn out story.

-Ritz and Bits now can whistle like Quackers...but why is Cheese the only one that quacks?

-In response to the email I got that asked if I love Warren... the answer is no.

-Whatever I thought of Marc yesterday, I don't today... so let's forget about that.

-I think I'm going to say "screw it" to getting my hair highlighted. I'm just too fond of this color, I guess.

-I am probably going to get two piercings though.

-Should I get my tattoo soon?

Anyway, I best be goin... I have people to call, movies to watch, and a back that is bitchin at me to "lay down"...

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