Ritz, Bits, Cheese, and Quackers

I went to the store to buy some more duckling food and I saw the absolute cutest ducklings. They are different than the Rouens and Pekins. It's an off breed called Khakis. They really are where someone breeded a Runner and Rouen and then took the match and breeded it with a Mallard...from what I understand. Anyway, absolute cutest little guys ever :)
So...I bought Ritz. I figured now we have "Ritz, Cheese and Quackers"...cute pun, ay?
Problem was...Cheese tore into Ritz. So we took Cheese out of the cage and Quackers then comforted Ritz like it would it's own. In case I didn't tell you, Cheese is a boy and Quackers is a girl.
Turns out though...Ritz was a boy and Cheese was already territorial and jealous. (Jealousy ruins a relationship so this was not a happy triangle)
So Cheese was put in a different cage until I could brainstorm.
The results...I bought yet a fourth duckling, Bits.
Bits and Ritz are happy.
Quackers likes both of them.
Cheese is still bitchy but not trying to kill Ritz anymore.
I have a spare cage in my room in case Cheese needs seperated again.
In the mean time...I have some happy ducklings :)
So everyone...come meet my babies: Ritz, Bits, Cheese, and Quackers :D

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