
Me: do you think any guy will ever actually like ME?
Him: YES
Him: but unfortunately, you may have to wait for someone who isn't immature
Me: *pouts*
Me: are you sure you cant clone yourself?
Him: i tried last night, but it was a mess... DNA everywhere
Me: *sighs*
Me: if only...
Me: you were younger and here and interested *sighs*
Me: lol
Him: oh so I'm too old again?
Him: :P
Me: no :P
Him: here and interested would go hand-in-hand, my dear
Me: how so?
Him: if I were there with you I most definitely would be interested
Me: interested in what though? LOL..my video games? :P
Him: well that too... but more so in hanging out with you, goofy :P
Me: shame it wont happen
Him: aah but we can dream


Dreaming is all I have these days.
When it comes down to it, these guys I mess with...they ultimately have someone they can go home to. But when the night is over for me, I'm left alone...thinking...wondering...dreaming.

It does suck that Steve is so far, but ya know, I dont think it'd matter even if he were here.


I'm a wuss and I live in a dream world.

Here's an example: Just like I'm scared to meet Kat (Bob's Kat, that is). Why? Because it'd feel weird "Hi, I fucked your boyfriend. Nice to meet you." I mean does anyone else think this would be WEIRD?

I guess no matter how much I love messing with my guys...deep down, I'm totally missing something.
But do ALL guys just want sex?
Do ALL guys want open relationships?
Do ALL guys cheat?
Do ALL guys lie?
Do ALL guys keep secrets?
No. They can't ALL be this way.
*sighs*...I dont know much anymore.

I'm not going to stop playing though. I totally am enjoying this whole fucking strangers and learning more about my sexual side.
But...deep down...I want to be the one that has someone waiting on me when I come home.

Oh well...for now, we can dream.

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