Dad Rating?

DAD: "How do I rate as a father?"
ME: "What?"
DAD: "On a scale from 0-10, how do I rate?"
ME: "Dad, how do I answer that? Compared to what? Why?"
DAD: "I'm just curious. On average, what would you give me?"
ME: "I don't know. It varies depending on your moods."
DAD: "Just think about it and get back to me."

*a little while later*

DAD: "So, how do I rate?"
ME: "Dad, I dont know how to answer that."
DAD: "Well I want to know so think about it."


How do you answer something like that? I mean my dad can be really mean sometimes and he can be abusive, so how do you answer that? "Gee dad, sometimes you're really really horrible..othertimes, you can be put up with"?

I mean, wow...I have no idea.

Bigger issue...WHY? Why does it matter? What is he up to?

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