
Austin came home from school all excited the other day. At school, the 2nd grade class was going to be the Peanuts Gang in the Christmas Program and he got the part of Charlie Brown.
He was so excited and telling everyone and telling us all how the teacher says to wear his baseball outfit.
Tonight was the night of the program, it was really good and I love my little Charlie Brown...but here's the kicker. Cassie.
She waits until tonight and starts hounding him, "no son of mine is dressing in a baseball outfit for the Christmas what did your teacher really say?" and she kept this up and up repeating it and repeating it. Austin stuck to his story though. She's practically calling him a liar to his face and he's almost in tears and she goes "he said to dress nicely and change into the uniform, didnt he?"...Finally after hours of this, Austin started changing his story to agree with her...JUST TO SHUT HER UP. Then she's all pissed, "now you change your story, what did he really say?" so he again tells her how he's Charlie Brown and has to wear his baseball uniform. She's tearing into the boy, has him sad as can be...and then tells him he can't go to the program since he lied to her!
JR steps in, says he'll keep the damned uniform in the car and run out and get it if Austin needs it. This pisses Cassie off and she says JR is manipulating Austin into thinking he can wear his uniform.
Well we get to the school..and guess what? Honest Austin was honest as usual. He was the only kid that didn't show up in uniform. JR runs to the car to get the outfit, but poor Austin was so embarrassed.
Then Cassie blows up and tells us it's OUR fault he didn't wear it because we manipulated him into lying to her. Figure this out.
Poor Austin had been honest the entire time and only broke after he couldn't take it anymore.
Now, guess what this reminded me of?
That's how his parents are to him. "What is really going on? Why are you really leaving UMR? Why do the guys really not like you?" and they kept that up and kept that up until he finally humored them.
So that's the only logical explanation. He dumped me to humor them. The thing is, once you do that though you're so confused that you don't know what the truth is anymore.
Now you may say "if he loved you, he wouldnt let someone manipulate him" or "he's an adult, he can think for himself"...but you're wrong. He's Austin.
I watched Austin and I realized Nick has lived with this his ENTIRE LIFE. No wonder his answer to everything is "I dont know"...he's not allowed to think.
That's the only logic I can think of and don't tell me it doesn't happen that badly because I watched it tonight happen to my own nephew.
I refuse to let Austin grow up like this and someday lose a girl that loves him just to SHUT HIS PARENTS UP.
I'll find a way to help you, Austin.
I just wish I could let Nick know it's going to be ok.
I love you, Nick and I never truly understood until I saw my own favorite role model do that to the most sweetest, honest, well-behaved boy I know, Austin. You know, I see a lot of Nick in Austin.
I just hope it's not too late to help him.
I'm so sorry Austin that your mommy is doing this. Cassie isn't who she use to be.
And Nick, where ever you are...I love you and miss you so much and you should know if you ever need me or want me in your life, I'll drop whatever it is, whenever it is, where ever I may be...and be there for you. I love you so much and I'd give you the world.
I'm so sorry, baby.

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