Bye Bye Boys :)

Roni Ann says:

basically I need to lose "the guys"...Nick, Dann, John, Jeff, Daniel, and Kent...I'm just trying as gracefully as I can to get out...b/c I discovered they are the ones bringing me down

Sarah says:

why a

Roni Ann says:


Sarah says:

why do you need to lose them

Roni Ann says:

they are being jerks....trying to get each other mad at me....and lying about me

Sarah says:

are they cute

Roni Ann says:


Sarah says:

well then that's ok

Roni Ann says:


Sarah says:

no harm no foul


hahaha...I love my cousin's logic

But's not right. It's not. Why would I tell Daniel not to trust Dann? I wouldnt.

Why would I say Dann touched me or was all hands when he's not? I wouldn't.

Ever since the guys started saying Dann doesnt really like me, they've like went out of their way to piss us off at each other.

Fine, screw them all.

Fuck off.

I dont need them.


Hell Yeah!

Well cept Kent and John...they havent done anything yet. So I think I could keep them. But are the guys a package deal is it have them all or have none?

I fear it's that way with John.

Let's hope it's not with Kent.

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