
Ya know...

I think I'm just exasted and rambling.

Nothing makes sense anymore.

I'm ruining it and watching it blow up in my face.

.......if I hold tight, they leave me

if I let loose, they leave me

no matter what...

they leave me


I'm tired of whining.

Here...read my rant:


Coran: yo, just chill out, if you start to cry on me I am leaving

Me: i aint cryin

Coran: you are mad needy, just relax ok

Me: so what do I do?

Me: I probably killed it tonight, didnt i?

Coran: killed what?

Me: whatever it is we could have ever had

Coran: na you can get it back just don't start throwing the future into casual conversation

Coran: its not cool

Me: I think it's b/c...that's always how it was...ya know?

Me: I'm so use to being in a long term thing

Me: that I dont know how to go slow

Me: I'm ruining it and seeing it blow up in my face

Coran: well you need to learn how too

Me: .......if I hold tight, they leave me

Me: if I let loose, they leave me

Me: no matter what...

Me: they leave me

Coran: man, you will find someone

Me: I did

Me: and I lost him

Me: and I know that

Me: and I know what I did

Me: and It took me

Me: to hurt another

Me: before I saw it

Coran: well then he wasn't fucking yours! stop being so mellow dramatic, shit happens, life goes on

Coran: man you sound like a goth poet

Me: actually....

Me: I am a gothic poet

Coran: yeah so am I

Coran: whats your point?

Me: that's what I want to know

Coran: not everything has to be about you, the world isn't all black and bleek and sometimes you have to look at the present to see what you have and live with it

Me: is this just...the initial shock of knowing I'm moving on?

Coran: it could be, but handle it with a little more skill ok?

Me: why do you seem mad?

Me: I mean..it's not you I'm fucking the head up with

Me: it's Jack

Coran: no I am always mad at relationships... I haven't had a good one since I was 17

Me: i guess...it sorta scares me to think I did give my virginity to him and I thought I'd be with him...but...now, it's like sex is "just sex" and...I'm scared that I think that way....and I dont know why, but I do want to fuck Jack and I dont even really know him!

Coran: yo I am trying to date this girl that isn't having sex until she is married

Me: yes but....I dont know

Me: I'm just...I want to fuck him

Me: lol

Me: and I feel bad

Coran: why do you feel bad, its a basic human emotion

Me: b/c at the same time....I want to make love and not just "fuck"

Me: I want emotions

Me: I want...passion

Me: I want...feelings

Coran: you can do both at the same time, or you can just switch it up

Me: how?

Coran: you have never fucked and made love at the same time?

Me: .....Josh and I made love...but we never just "fucked"

Me: it was always more emotions and feelings than it was physical

Coran: well then I am sorry you have never really lived have you

Me: no I havent

Coran: well maybe this guy can help you with that



So Jack...what do ya say?

Wanna help me with that?


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