

Well...what is there to say? Oh, I know...that was THE most boring prom EVER.

Then again, I only have the one I went to with Josh to compare it to, but still.

Damn, it sucked.


I haven't cut yet today. Although, after what I found out, It gets damned tempting.

Elisha knows I'm pregnant.

"Damn, the bitch finally got knocked up?"

He's out for blood and not mine.

The baby's.

He wants to get me where it hurts.

Although, that isn't what worries me as much as Josh.

He's mad at him.

"He shouldnt have gotten her if I couldnt have gotten her"

Uh, sweetie...Josh...if some guy comes looking for you, RUN. I don't know if he knows where you are, but he did find out your name. Corey has a loud mouth. But...uh...Elisha wants to hurt my baby or you or both...

He would do that BEFORE he'd hurt me.

He wants me to suffer before dying.

Damn, this sucks.

I don't know what the fuck to do.

I've been running and running since 8th grade.

I can't trust.

I can't sleep.

I can't breathe.

I've been running from this and now it's catching up with me.

I tried to push Josh away when he was getting close b/c I was scared.

Scared from a fear that got embedded with Elisha.

Scared from a fear that got embedded with every hit with a chain, every slap with a ring, every kick and punch, stab and more.

I can't run for my entire life.

I have to face up to this.

I have to.

Or it's going to kill me.

Quite literally.

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