Random Thoughts (Featuring Spider Bites)


I was bit by a spider.

Zoo Tycoon is addicting.

My spider bite was bad.

The poison spread and I had many runs to the ER.

The Hannibal ER is weird.

I like the polar bears and penguins and all babies on Zoo Tycoon.

My bite was on the right breast, but it's better now.

I'm switching school at semester.

Bellar is NOT nice.

I'm leaving QU to go to HLG.

My roommate is singing Hakuna Matata.

My doctor put me on an anti-depressant.

My roommate thinks my english muffin stinks.

I'm eating an english muffin with cheese.

Two of them to be precise.

Life is so confusing, but that's what makes it sweet.

I have a lot of things bothering me.

My anti-depressant is depressing me.

I killed Josh in my dream last night.

We're the characters in our dreams.

That means I killed myself.

In masculine form because most the characters in dreams are male.

This is Rush week.

I'm not Rushing.




Neopets is making a trading card game.

Josh is still my bf...even if I kill him or myself in my dreams.

There's a spider web under my desk.

The desk is by the bed.

I bought some Spider Killer.

I never spray it though.

It also kills scorpions.

"Here scorpion, scorpion, scorpion. I have a surprise for you."

My doctor told me that next time a spider bites me, I should bite it back.

That is an example of negative reinforcement.

See, Bellar, I did learn something.

I have a lot of homework.

I missed many classes this week.

The dean excused them because of my spider bite.

I have a lot of FYE to do.

I burped.

Excuse me.

Well, I'm going to go.

I'll try to remember I have a journal.

I need to write.

You'll see,

I don't need an anti-depressant.

or do I?????????

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