

That's what the cardiologist I saw in Columbia was...a quack!

I went to the St.Louis Children's Hospital today. I saw Dr.Johnson. Apparently Dr.Grady had a death in his family and was not there. Anyway, things are NOT as bad as Columbia said.

Yes, my ASD is leaking. BUT is that bad? Not really. It's a LOT smaller and ALMOST completely sealed now. It will either finish sealing in a few years, or just get smaller. Either way...that's NOT A PROBLEM.

As for the hole between the VSD repairs...it's SUPPOSE to be there! They left a gap for growing room. It's a good thing that it's there...not a bad thing. As for the leaking, well...DUH! of course it would leak. And it's FINE. It won't leak enough to ever be a problem.

As for the tricuspid valve...well, Columbia is full of shit. See, they ran the friggin test wrong.

I have to go to a cardiologist that specializes in congenital birth defects b/c they have to be approached differently. The doctors in Columbia weren't specialized and even ran the tests wrong. See, for the Dopplar to pick it up...you have to lay on your side...and they had put me on my back. No wonder the asses couldn't find it! As for the valve, they just saw the asd and didn't recognize it! MORONS!

I believe St.Louis...after all, I've went there since I was 6 weeks old.

Well, my chambers are great. They are the right size and shape. My septum finally grew in the sense that it covers the patches and I pretty much have one now. I have no restrictions. For the first time since 4th grade...I'm allowed to RUN! YES!

Columbia was wrong about my hypertension. I don't have it. The idiots used a child's cuff on me. It was recorded that way. You have to use and adult cuff on me! HEH. I'm fine.

As for having kids someday...I have to see a special doctor BEFORE I get pregnant b/c they have to treat the pregnancy with different measures and I have to take an antibiotic during the course of pregnancy and especially the child birth. I CAN have kids. It'll be hard on me...but not as bad as I had thought.

Screw Columbia.

Thank you St.Louis!

Hmmm...so, my insurance will pay for Columbia but NOT for St.Louis. DAMN MERCY! Haha.

Hmmm....*thinks*...the $250 co-pay....plus the other general fee...plus the price of the Dopplar...plus the EKG...plus the Echo...plus the color mapping...DAMN...my family is gonna be in debt! Not to mention my upcoming COLLEGE! YIKES!

But hey, it's all right. I'm going to be fine. I go to a special Congenital Heart Defect Specialist Cardiologist in St.Louis when I'm 22. YES! I have to wait 4 years to go back. NOW THAT IS A GREAT SIGN.

In case you didn't notice...I'm ecstatic!

Columbia sucks.

They had me worried for NOTHING. Damn them. UGH. You know, stress CAN kill. Maybe they wanted to make me have hypertension and then a serious problem so they could get more money. BASTARDS.

*shrug* Good night. I think I'll sleep a LOT better now.

God Bless St.Louis Children's Hospital.

God Bless Dr.Johnson.


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