You'll See


You'll never leave this town

You'll never get free

You'll never leave this house

You must stay with your family

Father knows best

Mother wants to leave

It's all your fault

Don't dream

You're not allowed

You must go to college where they say

You can never live life your way

You'll never succeed


You can't do that


Don't you dare dream

Show no emotion

Never think about it

Don't move

Don't cry

Don't dream

Don't sigh




For the sake of me, stop it mom! Stop it Dad!

Let me live.
Let me dream.
I'll go far
I'll succeed
Have a little faith
For once, just believe in me

I know what I want.
I know what it takes
It wont be easy
But have a little faith

I know sisters didnt finish college. I know I'll be the first. However, I've been the first for many things. Hey, I made NHS, that was a first even.

What happened to the hope? When did you stop believing in me? Even yet, have you ever believed in me?

I'm not giving up.

I will succeed

I'll accomplish a lot

You'll see

Believe in me

oh, and Mom..about that school in Canada..I can REALLY go? Wow, that's cool. HEH, maybe you do have some faith in me after all. We'll see....

Someday, you'll'll believe in me

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