
Hey You!

Who are you?
What do you want?

Are you a gentle friend?
Or are you rough?

yeah, I dont know
ignore me

oh look, I'm a siren...wewewe
sirens don't go "wewewe"
they do now darn it
Just listen to me

Ok, basically this entry is a bunch of b.s.
but hey that's ok...it's my journal
Aren't I allowed to play?

Shut Up! I didn't mean that kind of play...sheesh

How's school going, Roni?
Awww..thanks for asking. It's going just fine.

Tell me about your classes.
First hour is fine
Second hour is too
Third hour is awesome
Fourth hour blew
Fifth hour is quiet
Sixth hour sucks
Seventh hour is the best
...me..an editor?
Ha! Playin' it tough!

Uh, Roni? Are you ok?
Of course I am fool, get outta my way.

Are you ok?
Sure I am
Roni, tell me the truth
Ok...I'm not talking to you. You're not real, unf..unf...kaput...goodbye!

Yeah, I have no idea what is up with this entry, but I'm sure there's some sorta reason behind it.Do you know? Because I don't. I Promise I'll write a real entry soon.

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