Just A Peon

"There never really was a 'we', it was more like you, it was more like me"

"Drifting, Drifting, Drifting away...into the sea...away from thee"

"You don't know me. You know nothing about me. You don't know my hopes. You don't know my ambitions. To tell you the truth, you know nothing about me at all."

"If you want to talk about disrespect, let's talk about how you broke your promise and you won't even hear me out when I try to tell you how that makes me feel."

"It doesn't matter. It really doesn't. It's not like I'm a person. I have no feelings. It's not like I'm even real. Just walk on me, I won't feel it. Go ahead. Keep it up. It doesn't matter anyway."

"You don't know what I want. You just assume you do. When do you even talk to me? When do you ever give a care? Do you even know that I go by 'Roni Ann' more than 'Roni' now? NO, you didn't because we don't talk."

"It's always about what YOU want for me. What YOU think is best. You never even asked if I really wanted to go to college. You never asked what my goals are. Shoot, did you even know I have goals? It's always been about making YOU happy? What about me? Don't I get a say in what happens with MY life?"

"Yes, I'm only 17, but shouldn't I have some rights? Shouldn't you at least HEAR what I think? Do you just think I'm nothing?"

"I agree with something Langston Hughes said: 'America never was America to me'. Therefore, stop the crap and saying I can say what I want because this is America when you aren't even listening to me right now."

"Ignore me. Really. I'm just a peon on your world. A peon."

Those are all some quotes from me. I said those at one point throughout today. Do you get a hint at how my day went? No? Well...let's look at some things said to me then:

"I could fucking slap you."

"You're just so stupid. I swear. You're suppose to be smart, but you are so stupid"

"Roni, I don't care what you think. I don't give a damn. Just shut the fuck up.You're my daughter and I know what is best for you."

"You're going to go to college. You aren't going to miss any school this year. You're going to take REAL classes and get A's. You're going to succeed. I don't care what you want. That is how things are."

"You're just like your father"

"You're just like your mother"

"Shit, it's like you're a woman or something."

"Don't you get teary eyed. Don't even think of crying. I'll knock the shit out of you."

Ok, do you get the general point? I could explain it all...but I think if you think about it, it makes sense. Besides, who reads this anyway? Remember, I'm "just a peon".

I don't know how I feel right now. Does it matter? Apparently not. Nothing seems to go right for me. If I whine to someone, then they get pissed and think I just want there pity. Fuck you. Seriously. Thank you, Thank you, Fuck you, Amen. Wow, that applies to a lot of people. However, you know who you are. If you think it is you and it's really not, then chances are you deserve to be told that too. Make sense? NO? Oh, I'm sorry. It doesn't matter anyway. Could I make that clearer? NO. Do you even know me? Probably not.

My name is Roni Ann. I'll probably regret meeting you. You don't want to know me. I don't want your pity. I don't lie in my journal. Don't assume things about me, that just pisses me off. Don't feed me any lines. Don't tell me any shit. Keep your damn promises. Don't make inane ones either. No, this doesn't imply to all of you. Heh, I'm not even sure if anyone it applies to reads this. It doesn't matter. Oh no, not at all. Fuck you. Fuck you all.

*gasp* Oh no, I said the "f" word. Yeah, isn't it amazing how little things can affect you in big ways? Isn't it amazing how feeling alone can change you? Isn't it amazing how you don't know shit about me?

Heh, I'm impressed.

You know, I am sorry for cussing though. If you knew me, you'd know I'm just upset. That's no excuse though. Sorry.

Oh pooh, I just apologized. Heh...whoops.

Bye yalls! Oh, and this isn't necessarily about YOU...in which case, then ignore it. AS for the ones it IS about. Yeah, do you get the point yet? You did hurt me. Apparently I am human afterall. I do have feelings. Thanks for stepping on them. I now realize just how alive I am.

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