One Of Those Guys

"I'll sell you 2 candy bars for $3 and then give you one for free" ~Jeremy

The candy bars are $1 each...but he actually got people to fall for that. When he told me that, I busted up. Ahhh, gotta love Jeremy, right?

Man, I tell ya...he's one of those know the ones that help shape your high school experience...the ones that you'll never forget...the untouchable ones. Yeah, one of those.

Nothing that interesting happened today. *shock, shock* The Jeremy thing was my hightlight. Unless you want to talk about me and Ryan, but that's nothing new.

Oh, I saw him today. Him who? Him the guy that I last dated. Yeah, him. Anyway, have you ever noticed that once you aren't with the guy, then he's everywhere? or then he looks so cute? or then he does something to seem sweet? Yeah, life sucks like that. However, you can't forget that pain...that heartache. Their bad memories out weigh all their smiles, their melt-worthy laughs, their sexy eyes, that voice...and WAIT...must forget him..must forget him...*ZAP*...ahhh....much better.


About 1-4% of the female population experience a sickness during their time of month. I'm one of those lucky ones. I don't cramp...but I get sick. I feel like puking...I feel intestines act up...I feel feverish...I can't cool off...I feel "blah". The thing is, there's nothing to really do about it. There isn't really a medicine for it because it really isn't that common. Heh, lucky me. So, what COULD I do? Take birth control? I could, but that would require getting checked out...yeah...a pap. And NO...Roni doesn't like the thought of that. Let's face it, the thought scares me. It'll hurt, right? However, if that is what it takes to get rid of this sickness, then maybe it is worth it...we'll see.

You know, you may be thinking "wasn't that awful personal to put in an ONLINE journal"? The answer is's MY online journal and it's my REAL feelings. I shouldn't be ashamed of how I feel, right? So why hide it? It's my way of expressing it. When it comes down to it, I hope someone actually still reads this. I mean, it'd be nice to feel like someone knew what I was going through...or they at least TRIED to understand.

Oh well...


I better go for now, I don't feel too good...

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