

Soccer Players

Every guy I've ever really liked was a soccer player.

I don't know why. What is it about soccer players? Why do I have this pattern?

Every one of my exs were soccer players (unless I overlooked one, but I don't think I did). From Corey to Jerry to Marc, every one of them. Nick...Alex...Per...Ryan...all the others were too. I mean, Hello! What is up with that?

Even guys I didn't date but I really liked played soccer at one time or another. Kyle...Jeremy...Clay...Matt...see the irony?

What is it that causes this strange coincidence? Even if I didn't know they played soccer...later on I find out they did.

Many of my guy friends played soccer even. Bill...Max...Bobby...Stephen...Andrew. It's really kind of strange.

Some people I talk to are non-soccer players. I haven't dated one or really had a crush on a non-soccer player though. David...Trevor...there are far less of my guy friends that weren't soccer players.

Maybe I just like soccer. Yes, I love the sport.

Maybe it's all a coincidence...A strange one at that.

Maybe I should spread my horizons.

Maybe I should reevaluate the guys.

Maybe my problem was that I didn't date a variety.

I don't want a boyfriend right now. However, when I do want one...I can't help but wonder if he'll be a soccer player too.

What is it about soccer?

What is it about the players?

I don't know.

I just's a strange pattern.

Now, don't think if you don't play soccer that I'd never date you. I never said that. I'm just far, it's been a pattern with me.

Heh, maybe I should avoid soccer players.

Sorry Andrew.

Heh, who knows? Maybe I am making too much of this coincidence....yes, yes I am. Ah least I've been consistent so far.

Oh well...we'll see how things go. A non-soccer player? A player? Who knows?

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