
Roni: Dr. Fitzzy, I need help.

Dr. Victoria P. Fitzgerald: ok, what seems to be the problem?

Roni: I dont really know, I'm so confused.

Dr. Victoria P. Fitzgerald: Do you have any idea what it's about?

Roni: yeah, guys

Dr. Victoria P. Fitzgerald: stick with the one that gives the best sex

Roni: What? Dr. Fitzzy, I'm a virgin!

Dr. Victoria P. Fitzgerald: yeah, I'm sorry, I was trying to break the ice.

Roni: oh

Dr. Victoria P. Fitzgerald: So who's the guy or guys? and what's the problem?

Roni: Well there are

(Dr. Fitzzy interrupts)

Dr. Victoria P. Fitzgerald: wait, before we go on, is it about more than one guy?

Roni: sorta

Dr. Victoria P. Fitzgerald: how old did you say you are?

Roni: 17

Dr. Fitzgerald: are you in a relationship with one of them?

Roni: No

Dr. Fitzgerald:this is going to take several more meetings, but do you have a friend you can talk to about this?

Roni: Well, yeah..I guess so

Dr. Fitzgerald: good, don't ask them

Roni: what?

Dr. Fitzgerald: yes, if it's a close enough friend for you to talk about it to, then they would likely have biased opinions

Roni:oh, I never thought of that

Dr. Fitzgerald: Well, we'll schedule another appointment soon. This one went very well. I did a pre-evaluation and have a general idea of how to help you.

Roni: Good

Dr. Fitzgerald: yes, now I'll see you soon. And remember, you can call if you feel it is crucial

Roni: Thank you!

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