
Day 1: Crutches!

This day has went by so slow! Today was my first full day on crutches. And get this, I have torn 4 ligaments and sprained my ankle...and today we found out I also tore atleast one tendon. Looks like I'm going to be on crutches for a long time.

Look on the brightside. This time it is crutches and not a wheelchair. The last foot injury I had was my freshman year...and I had to be in a wheelchair because my heart couldn't handle the strain from the crutches and I kept getting costrocondritis (spelled wrong).

Dad is mad at me because "only idiots" get hurt.

Mom is mad at Dad for saying that and other mean things about it.

Guess what? That means they are fighting again and it actually is my fault. Yes, it was an accident...but it was MY accident!

Now...the fun part. I am in the process of redecorating my room. I took almost everything out to redecorate the room. Yay! That's always fun to do with a hurt foot! Cassie tried to help me earlier and wanted to do it all and have me rest, but I'd feel bad if I didn't my foot swelled up some. Mom helped me too, so now the room is really coming along. I suspect that by Thursday night or Friday it will be done. Of course, I'll still need to straighten a few things up.

Sarah came by today...and yes, I went outside to talk to her. Again, always fun with a hurt foot! We didn't talk long, and to tell you the truth...I still don't know what her reason was for coming over.

I missed a friend's birthday party, Jake's party, and another party or two. What? I hurt my foot so everyone has a party?, but still it sucked that I missed out on seeing my friends!

My foot injury really came at a bad time...but then again, do they ever come at good times?

Well at least it happened now...and not during the school year because that would have sucked bad!

I wonder when I'll get the hang of these crutches?

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