Uncaged Loon

I am a lot of things.
I cannot simply be summed up with "Roni"
I am a daughter, sister, aunt...all that jazz
But I am a bitch,
and crazy sometimes.

So that said, don't let this offend you.

SUSU- You are such a fucking bitch sometimes. I swear you need to grow up and stop having Marc help you pick fights. STAY AWAY from me and James. This time the friendship shall not be repairable.

AMY- What is really going on?

WILLIAM- What does it take to get rid of you??? I swear, if you were a roach, I'd bomb my house multiple times a day.

BEN C- I'm with James. I know you care about me and I want to be excellent friends with you, but truly I am content with James.

BEN LARSON- I'm in STL so where are you, kid?

AMANDA- I miss you.

KRISTEN- The kidnapping sounds great :)

To everyone else, I leave this:
I'm medicated, out of the psych ward and feeling a little....caged.

So wanna hang out????? :D

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