Almost Break In

Last night around 1:36a, I had a rude awakening.
Someone was trying to get into my house!
I heard the knob turning on the kitchen door but not opening. The time wasn't right for it to be either of my parents. I listened at first thinking it was one of my sisters or parents needing something but then I realized they'd yell through my window. The dog was tearing up the joint. Socks had her back raised, tail straight as a board and was growling and barking like she was going to kill someone. Rex, outside, was also tearing up the place.
It sounded like they were banging with all their weight to get into the house.
I reached around the corner and flipped on the kitchen light and it instantly stopped.
Through the window you could see someone running away. I looked out the door and the bushes were even moving like someone ran through them.
I was soooo scared! My knees were shaking!
The house phone was dead and my cell wouldn't call 911 (stupid cells)
I couldn't reach my mother at work so I left a message for James thinking that at least they'd know what time it went down if something were to happen.
Finally I got a hold of mother.
She rushed home from work and took me to my sister's house.
The cops patrolled all night.
Anyway it turns out that yesterday morning a truck had been parked on part of our property like someone was casing the joint and Dad didn't say anything.
Tonight, I don't know where I'll be...I may go to Cassie's house.

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