1500 /= 3000

My mother isn't the parent I normally complain about ...but I need to.
She totally lies all the time.
She told me and my father that I only owe the school 1500 but it turns out it's closer to 3000!
Dad got a loan today that will cover most of it but Mom is still lying to him. It bothers me SOOOO much.
I just needed to let that off my chest!

In other news:
~I'm going to Atchison on Friday to kidnap James.
~Dad and I are then going to drag James to the Squaw Creek Wildlife Refuge.
~The little conservationist in me is going "YAYAYAYAY"
~I'll be camping this weekend at the Big Lake SP.
~Tomorrow I meet with my personal trainer to start my new exercise program.
~Ryan Longbine is his name so all of you that graduated with me...YES, it's him!
~I'm really psyched to go to my counselor on Thursday. Is this normal?
~Last night I watched the movie 9 to 5...if you've never seen this "oldie but goodie" then you must!

Welp I'm off...I'm watching Memoirs of a Geisha soon! I hope it's a good movie!

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