
So apparently you're only allowed like 11 credits during the summer. However, I bugged the dean so they said I could have 12. I know it doesn't sound like a big deal but it mattered to me. I also managed to get a class that I don't meet the prereqs to because of my higher ACT score. I felt special :)
This means I'm only taking 12 credits. I'm taking algebra (for the 5th time but this time I intend to stay in it instead of dropping it when I get stressed), foundations of chemistry and lab, and microbiology and lab. Classes start like the 5th.

In other news...I have to come up with the $800+ for those. I already bought the books for $200+.

SLU won't let me make my schedule until it gets my UMR transcript. I can't get that though until Mom pays them off (like she told me she had). This is about $1500.

Needless to say I actually talked to Dad and he's going to go get the loan tomorrow to help me out. Shocking, ay????

But *whew* what a stressful day!

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