Not Crazy Enough

So turns out I'm not crazy enough to be admitted.
After many evaluations and tons of blood tests...I'm not a total nut case.
Turns out my anti-anxiety pill was wrong and mellowing me out TOO the point I have temporary vegitative depression from not caring about anything. It's going to take a few shrink visits to get the right meds and straighten it all out.
James and I had a temporary breakup since I was freaking out and we couldn't figure out why. Imagine how confusing and hard it had to be on him. We're back together now and better than ever. We're not even really counting it as a breakup since the whole time he was supporting me and all.

In other news...I'm probably withdrawing from here because I've been mellowed long enough to have not cared about my grades for a while now.

Also I had a haircut today. I'm totally cute. You must see me. :)

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