Happy 2006

A few things that are on my mind:

1. The guys listed back a couple entries ago were not guys I just slept with...some I dated, some just had an impact, or whatever. So stop assuming.

2. James is feeling better.

3. My family passes judgement very quickly. This isn't a good thing. However, they all like James.

4. I had an amazing New Year's Eve. It's great ringing in the new year by kissing the one you love. Candle light and making toasts with Spumante just make it more special. The best part though, was being in his arms.

5. I'm letting go. I'm not going to freak out about James and smother him or be clingy. I'm not going to get upset about the little things. I'm going to put all my trust in him and believe that he's sincere since he says he is.

6. I don't look forward to going back to UMR. It's not that I don't want to go to class...it's just I don't want to go back to the house. I'm suddenly feeling burned out. I feel like it's taking up all my time and that I don't have much a life outside of the house. I also don't particularly look forward to who I'll be living with. I also worry about how I'm going to get enough studying in this semester. I have a hard load. I'm not saying I want to leave the sorority...I'm just saying, for once I feel dread.

James...thank you for coming here. It was very special and I loved seeing you. I'm going to have to wear the bracelet just as a warm reminder of you. It's so shiny and pretty, too :)
Oh you left something important here that i think you should come back and get. As soon as I think of what it is, I'll let you know ;)

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