Letters to Strangers

There are a few things in this world that royally tick me off.

1. People.
2. *pauses*

Ok, so there's only one thing in this world that royally ticks me off.

So now I will write letters to those people that irk me. Do you get a letter from me? I don't know, read and see.

Dear Person 1,
You don�t know me and that�s probably for the best. We share something, or rather, someone, in common though. I�m really glad I don�t know you personally. I�m afraid your rudeness may rub off onto me.
See you and I have a lot in common. We both know how to play the breakup game rather well; don�t you agree? We can both be manipulative, vindictive bitches quite nicely. It�s a skill I find rather useful. You broke the rules though. You don�t play fair. My older sister even agrees that you do not randomly pull the new girlfriend card or suddenly play the pity card. You don�t mention several times to an ex that they �better be� better to the new girl. It just shows you�re trying to be immature and crush their hopes for their new relationship. Tsk tsk, we don�t play fair, now do we? And what�s with pulling the pity card? Oh, I know, I�ve been there. Only people who are insecure about themselves ever actually pull that card.
You�re the type of person that puts yourself first. You�re number one in your world, aren�t you? The world fits in your pocket and you dictate how it�s lived. When things go negatively though, you realize that you suck at the coping game. How do you deal with the embarrassment of someone just leaving you? How do you deal with the embarrassment of explaining that for once your crying can�t make him stay? How do you explain that you may not be the victim after all? Oh, I forgot the kind of person you are. See you�re the type that suddenly plays the game unfair. You cheat in the game (and probably in many, many other ways). It wasn�t enough that he let you move on. It wasn�t enough that you found a new guy and are supposedly happy. Oh no, you didn�t want him happy. You understand if he left you the way he did and then is actually happy�then maybe you weren�t as good of a girlfriend as you had thought. Am I correct? So you play the game as only the pros do. You make him lose his friends. You make him lose it all. You make him miserable. After all, why should he be happy? You want him to suffer for the embarrassment he caused you. I know how people like you work.
You have to understand that this letter isn�t to bash you and to tell you that you�re a bad person. Oh no, that�d be admitting that I was a bad person for the vindictive, evil things I did to a specific ex in my past. Instead, take this letter more as a piece of advice. I always thought it was common knowledge that everyone knew not to mess with my man. I always thought everyone knew you don�t ever make your ex miserable�when he�s with me. But alas, I was wrong. Apparently you did not know these simple little rules.
See you think you�ve won this game. You have the new guy. You have the new life. You have the friends. You have everything of his. But see�you forgot to take a look at the other team. He�s not alone. He has me and with me, I bring everyone that I know. Right now, you�re not very liked. I�m in no way telling you that you are now going to have bad luck brought to you or any of the sorts. I am telling you though, that when you attack my man�you�re attacking a big group.
Maybe you should learn to play nicely. Or maybe I need to have a talk with you about how to play the game properly. Or maybe, just maybe, you�ll act like an adult and leave him alone. You�ll stop making his life miserable and stop with whatever self-victimization you�re trying to pull. Maybe�or maybe you�re a complete idiot that just needed someone to tell you to go away. I don�t know which it is�only you can determine that.

Dear Person 2,
I don't have to play nice to you. Obviously, you don�t know much about being nice. Who are you to go to James' journal and post "you go carol"? What kind of person does that? I'll tell you. It's the kind of person that is hurtful and that shouldn't be allowed to comment. Who do you think you're helping? Do you think you're helping Carol? No. You're just making yourself look bad. Obviously James was hurting when he posted his entry and I think it was extremely rude of you to talk to him like you did. Now I know my opinion means nothing to you...but someone has to be on James's side and I think what Carol said to him was really mean and uncalled for. So...take your own advice that you gave to Carol more literal and GO. Seriously, I'll give credit where it's due and right now you deserve credit for being coldhearted.

Dear Person 3,
You are such a selfish person. What kind of person bashes a guy�s girlfriend and then befriends her? What kind of person ends a 4 year friendship for a girl that he hated on for 2 years? What kind of person is such a fake friend? GAH, I seriously dislike people like you. I�m so glad you never liked me. It�s totally mutual.

Dear Person 4,
I just wanted to tell you that I�m so glad I cut you out of my life. The more I reflect on you the more I want to puke. I really don�t know what I ever saw in you. Who are you to ruin my self-esteem? You know, I still think about you sometimes. I actually compared my amazing boyfriend to you. I felt awful for it. No one should even be compared to you. You�re below anyone I know. Anyway, I just wanted to tell you that I�m glad you�re gone from my life.

I�m sorry for letting that out. I don�t intend for you to try to figure out who the people are and really you don�t need to read the notes. Oh and if you are one of those people and read this�big friggin deal, don�t comment to me about it. You won�t make yourself look good and you won�t make me change my mind about you.

I�m really not that bad of a person. I�m really not that bitchy. I just am really really really mad about someone I love getting hurt by selfish people.

I just had to let it out.
Again, to my audience�I�m sorry.

And now�a happy note:

Dear James,
You�re an amazing boyfriend. I�m so sorry for all the newly found drama in your life. Don�t take it to heart though. Some people are just vindictive and don�t play the game very well. You�re so much of what I�ve always wanted. You make me content on so many levels. Anyway, I miss you and I love you and I just wanted to tell you to smile. Things will be getting better. I promise you this.

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