I'm A Jackass

I�m telling you�I had some interesting convos this morning.

I�m going to share bits with you for your viewing pleasure.

Robert : how are you doing
ME : ok
ME : u?
Robert : great
Robert : so hows everything going
ME : fine
ME : do I know you?
Robert : no but i know somone you know
ME : ok...who do you know that I know?
Robert : william l perry
ME : ok
Robert : ok
ME : so what's your nae?
Robert : Robert
ME : well, Hi Robert
Robert : hi
ME : so just out of curiosity.... since you know, willia's never mentioned you.....why did you? I mean not that you arent allowed to or anything, but now I'm wondering
Robert : just wanted to let you know that hes no good
ME : and why is that?
Robert : he slept with my girlfriend when we were in high school
ME : um and that matters now why?
Robert : he did alot more than that
ME : so how did you get my id?
Robert : carefully
ME : ok...
ME : so I'm not seeing why you're telling me he's no good
Robert : we used to be neigbors and he shot my dog becouse they woke him up
ME : *snickers* well I cant say much about that.....
ME : except um I'm sorry about your dog?
Robert : thanks
ME : yep
Robert : he beat the crapout of me
Robert : hes just an ass
ME : he's already told me that he's an ass
ME : but why did you find my id and who do you think I a? I mean, I'm not seeing why it's necessarily a big deal for me to know these things
Robert : becouse i was told that you wanted to be with him
ME : oh, I see
Robert : but thats not the worse it did
ME : ok
ME : ya know... he's a long ways from me.... and I dont really know him that well.... and you dont know anything about me, as far as you know, I could be married even.... so there has to be a reason you feel this is so important for me to know....and there has to be a reason that YOU felt YOU needed to say it
Robert : your not married i knwo this
ME : hey, I could be
ME : ....
ME : but I'm not
ME : ....
ME : oh well
ME : I could have a bf though
Robert : you dont though
ME : actually
ME : you cant say that one
Robert : so you tell him you dont when you do
ME : no I dont have one... but I do have a guy that I've considered....so I could quickly get one if I wanted to.... but ya know, I dont exactly need one, I never have time between my classes and sorority really
Robert : oh so you lie to him
ME : I dont lie to willia
ME : the guy that I've "considered"...he knows about
ME : so how is that any of your concern?
Robert : no ut you know what
ME : what?
Robert : hes going to fuck you
ME : you know, you're kinda a bit odd
Robert : why
ME : because
ME : you dont just message random people to tell them random things about a person
ME : it's just a bit odd
Robert : i know but really its just me being me
ME : I see
ME : so random spokesman...is there anything else you think I should know?
Robert: well he shot my dad
ME : interesting
ME : he probably at least had a reason though, right?
Robert : my dad was breaking into his house
ME : well then I would have shot him too
Robert : yeah but hes dead now
ME : but.... he shouldnt have been breaking into a house
ME : like...for any reason
ME : I guess I should tell ya....I come from a very interesting redneck faily
ME : things like that...well.... I just have an interesting view on things
ME : *shrugs*
ME : but I have a class soon.... so dont think I'm rude for wrapping this up
ME : although you may have pictured me being more sympathetic...in which case, i'm sorry if I come off mean
ME : welp, I have classes to go to
ME : so bye

I guess I sound like a jackass but here�s my points:

1. Ok so he slept with your gf�IN HIGH SCHOOL. You�ve been out of school a long time, I�m not going to base how I view someone on something they did way back.

2. Ok, so he shot your dog. That wasn�t nice but really�.my Dad would have done it and so would my brother-in-laws. I don�t think it�s a big deal.

3. He beats you up. I�m sorry. But there�s probably a reason for that.

4. He�s an ass. Well, ok, he�s told me that.

5. He shot your dad. Now this should be sad�I admit�but, in all fairness, if someone broke into my house, I�d shoot them, too. Besides, William IS in the army, he�s probably a bit paranoid about people breaking in.

So I guess I�m a jackass.

But ya know� do I really care what some guy thinks about William?

Oh and William and I are talking again. He's not mad at me. And apparently he tells a lot of people that he likes me and that he wants to see where this friendship can go and turn into.

It's an interesting day. I give you that much.

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