I'm hated...

So I woke up this morning to find out I had received not one, but two definitely "I hate roni" type emails. Here's one:

I'm guessing that since the post to your group seemed
somewhat directed at the comment I made, and that I
was moved back down to a member, it's probably a
permanent change. So, I'm leaving the group and
taking you off of my buddy list. Before I go, here's
a few things to keep in mind. 1) You haven't
told/asked me to do anything. I have no idea what you
want me to do as a moderator. 2) I wanted to be your
friend, and wasn't trying to get laid or anything,
even though I talked about things like that, until you
just completely dismissed what I've spent the last 4
years of my life working on as being a merely invlaid
triviality. 3) I have been burnt out and REALLY
depressed for the last 6 weeks. About every 2 days, I
think about putting a bullet through my head. I could
fucking care less about making friends right now, much
less making friends with people I may never even see.
So, if you don't want me in your group, fine. All the
bitching is getting old. You have this great
direction in your head as to what you want things to
be like, but I'm not seeing anything but polls. I
hate polls. So, it's whatever. Have a good life and
a good group.

I should be mad...but I'm just frustrated. I get emails from members all the time to this extent. Here's the irony though, I had kicked him out of the group. He wasnt JUST demoted, he was kicked out but the dork bag didn't go and notice that because he wants to sound cool and think that he chose to leave....even though as planly read in the group, I had kicked him out. As for being on his "buddy list"..it's kinda like "oh big fucking deal" because he's not even on my buddy list. I've never had him on it. I had never accepted his add offer, whoops. Now about his little numbered comments. #1 was not true, I used to ask him to help with different things... even the logo, but he never would. He'd always have an excuse. #2 As for the whole "getting laid and being a friend" topic. Heh, it's funny... he always did want in my pants, but the funny part is I havent even mentioned it. So that one's all his guilt talking. And the idea I "dismissed" that he's been working on for 4 years... was 1) that he wants to create his own religion and it's totally gay and 2) that he wants to have 2 wives/girlfriends. So yes, I dismissed his ideas...because they were stupid. And yes, I told him that. And yes, he took it very personal...which is funny because he told me that he wanted to know the truth, even if it hurt. Oh well. #3 I dont see how it's MY FAULT if he's been burnt out or suicidal. Is he trying to blame me? Because that'll just piss me off.
As for the "bitching" in the group...he's the reason it's done most the time. He writes me rude things, like this, but he's not the only one. He could have changed his settings not to receive the emails if he had wanted, but he's not that bright. As for a "great direction in my head", I have no clue where the group is going, so that's just not cool of him to say. And the polls...it's funny, it was his idea originally for us to have polls in the first place. Hmm, now he hates them....wow, makes so much sense.
And it's interesting how his closing statement is "good life and good group" because technically, the way that is written, that means he's putting my life and group on the same level. It seems a life is more important so why the hell did he put it on the same level?

Anyway, he's not the only one mad at me. This guy from back home... well he's pissed off too. He changes his yahoo id like every 2 weeks...seriously. The thing is though, I thought I'd joke with him. So yesterday I get a message and ALL it says is "add _____ to your list" that's right just add so-and-so. I knew it was his new account, so I thought I'd joke with him and I said "no, what if i dont want to?" just as a JOKE.... well today apparently, he thinks I should go to hell.

So....I'm two for two and it's still early. I wonder how many other people will decide today that they hate me.

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