Drunk Friends Make The World Go Round

I *heart* my drunk friends.


without them, I'd die of boredom.


Exhibit A: (Please note, name has been changed to protect the innocent drunk)


drunk friend: hey

Me: hi

Me: how are ya?

drunk friend: great

drunk friend: uou?

Me: I'm sore...but doing awesome

drunk friend: y are you sore?

drunk friend: banging lots fp guys

Me: heh....riiiiiight

drunk friend: oh whatever

Me: hey now, I'm a good girl ;-)

drunk friend: i'm driunk

Me: I know you are

Me: you always are

drunk friend: yo9urha right

drunk friend: whategv3er

drunk friend: anyways i' sgot ot go

Me: ok drunk boy

Me: just remember to put the toilet lid down

drunk friend: whateger

Me: um bye

drunk friend: ????

Me: you said you had to go

Me: so um go?

Me: I can bug you later

drunk friend: yeah

drunk friend: ttyl

Me: bye babe
drunk friend: babe

drunk friend: wtf

Me: ... I was being friendly

Me: now go

drunk friend: i anint' no oes babe

drunk friend: t5ty

drunk friend: l

Me: haha...wow, ok bye

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