
So last night...I was having a very serious conversation with a friend. Out of the blue he goes "so, what costs more beer nuts or deer nuts?" and I'm like "I dont know" and he says "beer nuts...they are $1.50 and deer nuts are under a buck"
get it?
yeah...just thought I'd share that


Kolin Davis. Remember him? He messaged me. I havent talked to that boy in like 2 years.
It was kinda nice hearing from him again. He's turned into a really nice guy. I wish him the best of luck when he starts college this year :)

Tim...and I officially dont even talk now. I guess you could say I was the one that ended it. Ya know, I dont think I'm ever going to miss him.

John Kroeckel has been on my mind lately. I wonder how he likes military life.

I called UMR. I can make my schedule as soon as my paperwork comes back from my department. The downside is, I think Price still hates me so I hope he lets me come back.

I'm taking the kids (niece: Samantha and nephews: Austin, Robbie, Ryan) to the St.Louis Zoo tomorrow. Then I have to come home and pack for my camping trip. Wish me luck handling that many kids :)

I'll catch you in a few days.


Oh and the "jerk" from the last entry apologized.