
There's really not much to say other than "Blah"...and that's how I feel, too. "BLAH"

I'm sick.
I dont even have a voice now.
I have to go to the votech tomorrow to see Kyser to make up some work still *sighs* He is sooo going to laugh at me for having no voice.

I so dread tomorrow and Tuesday. I mean I love doing AutoCAD... but THAT MANY DRAWINGS...makes you sick. So add to it that I cough and I am sick, and you can imagine how I feel about that.

On top of things... Dad's sick. And I do mean sick sick. As in, he was coughing up blood. Mom and I wonder if his TB is back. We hope not. He's never had it active and oh my gosh, it'd so suck if it did.

Also, I miss Kevin. Isnt that against some rule? I mean, I'm not suppose to miss him :P I'm royally confused by him, by the way. Ever since that S/J woman talked to me... *sighs* it just doesnt add up. Sometimes I think he really does care...which is against the rules, too. Ya know, no guy has cared before...why start now?

Anyway... the ducks are fine. Tommy the turtle though...refuses to eat. I think he hates me. But I must go... this medicine is knocking me out. G'night...

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