

-- name: Roni
-- birthplace: Kennett, MO
-- current Location: Moberly, MO


-- eye color: brown
-- hair color: dark brown
-- height: 5'4"
-- righty or lefty: righty
-- zodiac sign: Aquarius
-- your heritage: Cherokee, German, Scottish, Irish, Polish, Dutch
-- the shoes wore today: I didnt wear any
-- your weakness: boys
-- your fears: more rejection
-- your perfect pizza: cheese, pineapple, and buffalo sauce :D
-- goal you'd like to achieve: deciding on a goal


-- your most overused phrase on AIM: lol or just "..."
-- your thoughts first waking up: "damn"
-- your bedtime: like between 2-5 am
-- your most missed memory: if it's missed, how is it still a memory?


-- Pepsi or coke: pepsi
-- mcdonald's or burger king: McDonald's
-- single or group dates: single
-- addias or nike: neither
-- lipton ice tea or nestea: usually lipton
-- chocolate or vanilla: strawberry
-- cappuccino or coffee: Cappuccino


-- smoke: no
-- cuss: yep
-- sing: yep
-- shower everyday: usually
-- have a crush: probably
-- like(d) high school: sure
-- want to get married: maybe
-- believe in yourself: sometimes
-- get motion sickness: not usually
-- think you're attractive: a little
-- think you're a health freak: no
-- get along with your parent(s): nope
-- play an instrument: sorta


in the past month...
-- drank alcohol: yes
-- smoked: no
-- done a drug: no
-- had sex: no
-- made out: yes
-- gone on a date: yes
-- gone to the mall?: no
-- eaten an entire box of oreos: no
-- been on stage: yes
-- been dumped: sorta
-- gone skating: no
-- made homemade ...homemade what?
-- gone skinnydipping: no
-- dyed your hair: no
-- stolen anything: no


Have you ever...

-- played a game that required removal of clothing: yes
-- if so, was it mixed company: yes
-- been trashed or extremely intoxicated: yes
-- been caught "doing something": yes


-- age you hope to be married: 22
-- numbers and names of children: I'll be happy if I *can* have children
-- describe your dream wedding: I gave up on that
-- where you want to go to college: UMR (I'm weird)
-- what do you want to be when you grow up: I wish I could tell you
-- where do you want to visit: Scotland, Ghana, Brazil, Ireland, Antarctica *shrugs*

-- best eye color? green or blue
-- best hair color? meh I dont know
-- short or long hair: longer
-- height: taller than me
-- best articles of clothing: clothing should be banned
-- best first date location: not where I had mine!
-- best first kiss location: again, not where I had mine!


-- # of drugs taken illegally: 0
-- # of people i could trust with my life: maybe 1
-- # of CDs that i own: like 200+ (I'm not going to count)
-- # of piercings: 3
-- # of tattoos: 0
-- # of scars on my body: well over 10

Last Person Who...

-- Slept in your bed? Hank
-- Saw you cry? mom
-- Made you cry? probably Hank
-- Spent the night at your house? Hank
-- You shared a drink with? Hank
-- You went to the movies with? Austin
-- You went to the mall with? Nick
-- Yelled at you? Dad
-- Sent you an email? Adam

Have Your Ever...

-- Said "I love you"? Yes
-- Been to New York? no
-- Been to Georgia? yes
-- California? no
-- Hawaii? no
-- Mexico? no
-- China? no
-- Canada? no
-- Danced naked? yes
-- Dreamed something really crazy and then happened the next day? yes
-- Stalked someone? no

Pick One...

-- Apples or bananas? bananas
-- Red or blue? red
-- Walmart or Kmart? Wal-Mart
-- Math or English? English
-- radio or CD? CD
-- drawing or painting? Painting
-- High school or college? college

The Last Few Questions...

-- Last time you went out of the state? october
-- Do you have a girlfriend? I'm not a lesbian, but I dont have a bf either
-- What do you think of ouija board? I'm never going near one
-- What book are you reading now? nothing, I'm lazy
-- What's on your mouse pad? systemax ad
-- Favorite board game? Clue
-- Favorite magazines? Wired or PC World
-- Favorite sound? rain
-- Worst feeling in the world? rejection or being lied to
-- Do you like scary or exciting rollercoasters? I havent been on one really
-- How many rings before you answer? usually only 1 or 2
-- Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? Yep
-- If you could have any job you wanted, what would it be? dont know
-- What are you going to do after you finish this survey? bah, nothing

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