Teriyaki Noodles and Chocolate Milk

Ah it's now a habit to post the day after my night classes.

Tonight went well. I think. Deanna is totally nice to me, I don't know if that means she's either a) thinking I'll be a good student or b) wants me to be her little bitch. But either way, she's nice so that's good. We basically just went over the first chapter and what "technical drawing" is. We have to research it a bunch for our portfolio so most of class time was spent on the internet.

In other news, I sorta had an argument with my ex. Josh was really pissed at me. I don't let him know anything about me and he felt it was being double standard-ish...since he tells me about him.It's just, I don't feel comfortable talking to him about some things yet.

Also, my computer is being a jerk. I decided it's a male because it's being a dick and fucking with me. Hehehe...I amuse myself. But no, really it's being bad. It actually said today that it couldn't find my C drive. It's like "WHAT THE HELL? YOU CAN'T FIND MY HARD DRIVE?" and then I thought, well maybe it's not a male because they seem to always go straight to my drive.

Anyway, I truly truly miss Nick. The more my sisters talk to me...the more I miss him. I just want to know how he is. I want to know what he's doing with his life now or what he plans on. It's been a month and 5 days since we talked and 2 months and 5 days since I saw him last. I really miss him. Nick, if you're out there....I'm just sorry that you felt you had to lie to me...and I just want the truth. Your brothers said you lied to me in the end. That you had liked me and just said that to run me off faster. I don't know, I just really want to know how you are. I miss you. I really wish the last time we talked, I would have said that I love you. Even if you were dumping me, I should have told you. I'm sorry.

Well I feel sick. Maybe it's my math kicking my ass. Maybe it's because I still don't have my monthly visitor. Maybe it's because I let Josh know how I could be pregnant. Maybe I miss Nick too much. Or maybe it's the fact I ate teriyaki noodles while drinking chocolate milk. I don't know, I just....I wanna go lay down....

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