
Yesterday I totally missed 3 classes. My cramps were sooooo bad. It made me think of Josh and Annastrianna.

I've ditched most my friends. Apparently it was (greeks!=dormies) and I had to pick.

It's hard, it really is.

Especially now that I'm mad at one of my sisters.


But I found out Elyse Hendrickson is my diamond sister. YAY US! :D

Sooo, yesterday was the DTD/KD social. Even if I didnt have class and wasnt sick, I wouldnt have went. I didnt want to see James.

Tonight was the TKE/KD social. I didnt go b/c I was trying to fix my damned WMP and noooo it doesnt like me.

Anyway, I meet Joe tomorrow. Why do I feel nervous?

I tried to see Swirls today and somehow missed him, darn it. Brace yourself boy, tomorrow I shall see you.

Well I gotta go. I must find a snack.

In the mean time...uh, Go Broncos! I mean, Uh...I love Warren...


that was suppose to be a heart...oh well...


Roni Ann

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