Organized Religion and Social Control

On Seek...from an AC in TJ:

"Didn't you get the memo? god believers generally don't have a clue as to what's really going on...they believe in an all powerful being that can't be seen, heard, touched, tasted, or smelled...god is kinda like an adult version of Santa Claus. Eventually they'll wake up and realize that organized religion is simply a tool for social control."

Can you see the wind?
Can you hear the world when you're under water?
Can you touch the sky?
Can you taste a cloud?
Can you smell the fog?

You can't see the wind, but you can see what it does and feel it there. You can't see God but you can see how he changes people and you can feel his spirit. I feel it at church the most. When someone is praising him and the song is moving and I get goosebumps. I wasn't cold or startled. It was the Holy Spirit�s presence.

When you�re underwater, you can�t hear the outside world. You can�t hear a kid laughing on the beach or a baby crying. You can�t hear most of it if you�re underwater. But that doesn�t mean the world stopped spinning or everyone got quiet. No, it means you can�t hear it because of the water. Just because God doesn�t always talk to you in a roaring voice, doesn�t mean he�s not there. How do you know he�s not talking in the rain, or the mist, or the thunder but you doubt him so much that you don�t notice? I mean, we humans tend to have selective hearing so we could just be missing it.

You can�t touch the sky. Even airplanes don�t truly touch it. It�s not even solid. But it�s there and we can see it. Even at night, we can see the stars or Rembrandts of the sky. We don�t have to touch God to know he�s there but we can feel him. We can feel his presence and we can believe he�s there. Once a person dies, did they never existed since you can no longer touch them? Touching isn�t believing.

Can you taste a cloud? I doubt you�d be like �hey, man, let me lick you to see if you�re real� so why worry if you can �taste� God? Just because you can�t taste him, doesn�t mean he�s not here. Right now, you can�t taste your online friends, but they are there, aren�t they?

You can�t smell the fog. You can see it and feel it, but you can�t smell it. Again, would you really walk up to someone and sniff to see if they are real? Doubtful.

As for comparing God to Santa, you can�t even make such a comparison. First off, you�re trying to say that a Santa never existed but yet, history shows there once was a man referred to as St. Nicholas and that�s where the myth began. So if you�re wanting to compare them, you�re saying a God did exist but now, it�s mythical. So think before you make comparisons.

�Organized religion is simply a tool for social control.� I don�t know about you, but people make mistakes. Being a part of a religion does NOT mean you do exactly as they say. Many people have premarital sex and that doesn�t mean they aren�t in an organized religion. See, that�s part of it. God gives us free choice. We have the choice to make the decisions we do so religion doesn�t just control us and it�s not a quick fix for all the problems in the world. So if it was a tool for social control, it�s failed. It�s failed in so many aspects that it�s not even funny.

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