
So I'm the bright one that bitched all day yesterday b/c I couldnt get into my new diary...

guess what?

It helps if you use the right password.

*smacks forehead*

That's what I get for making a new one...*sinks in chair*

Oh well, by the time I got into it...I had nothing to say. And I don't remember which password it was again and then when I got it resent to me...yeah, I'm a bonehead.

My new diary just doesn't like me I guess.

I've been working more on my website (it's at http://roniann.cjb.net) and came to the conclusion that it really sucks.

I still havent hung up my Linkin Park poster. I can't decide where. There's a big LOTR poster on that wall...a Good Charlotte one that one...that wall might as well not exist...and the one in front of me, it's got crap on it. Heh...I'll find a spot!

I NEED my Witch Hunters Codex! Not only that I can't finish my mini until I get some more Game Colors. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. I'm an impatient gamer.


Things got interesting with Brandon last night. I don't know what to do. I think I figured some stuff out that I shouldn't have.

See, we barely talked at all...UNTIL he found out I was pregnant.

Apparently it's ok to date a pregnant chick b/c then if you get some from her, you don't have to worry about knocking her up. Heh.

On top of that, he still wants me to pick HIM over the BABY. Yeah, "don't keep her" Pfft. When it becomes YOUR child, Brandon...then maybe you can have a say.

Man, I'm sooooo mad at guys right now.

I'm so mad at me, too.

I feel sick.

I really don't want to go to class today.

I'd much rather sit here and plan out my money and how I'm going to afford my apartment.

Yi-yi-yi...I'm so tired of morning sickness. Luckily, my first trimester is almost over so the sickness should be leaving.

I want a Dr.Pepper soooooooooooo bad. I'm not a Dr.Pepper fan so I KNOW it has to be the baby's doings.


Damned morning sickness...

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