Susu Note

"RORO~ Hey I'm sorry about last night! I wasn't mad at you or any thing like that. you just kicked my butt with your words, and I remembered you and Josh and I decided distance wasnt' going to keep me from him. Will I will talk to you later."



Yes, you were mad at me, so don't even go there :P

I better have kicked your butt with my words and I'm not done kicking it yet.

You remembered WHAT about me and Josh? And distance shouldn't matter if there is something really there.

Now, when you talk to me later, you can remember this ass-kickin, too.

Joe was honest. That's more than what you could have ever asked for. Did you accept it? No. What did you do? You went against everything and went to see him. Well, I don't listen to anyone either...but this is different. You didn't date Joe.

You didn't kiss Joe.

You didn't sleep with Joe.

You owe him NOTHING.

And he owes you nothing.

He was a friend from the start and that's all he ever was.

You said he wasn't interested "anymore", well hey, be happy maybe, just MAYBE he was at one point. Isn't that enough?

He told you over and over and over and over and over how he didn't want more than friendship. You didn't accept it. "It's not that easy." ..."How can it be over?"...How the fuck can WHAT be over? You had NOTHING. You loved him or whatever, but it was never mutual.

Remember what you said to me? "Best friends are mutual" is love.

You're going to say "Shut up, dude, you don't know what I felt. You think you're an expert on love. You're so selfish. You don't know what we had."

Bull shit. That's what that is. I never claimed to be an expert and if I was that selfish, I wouldn't be telling you what I thought.

There wasn't a 'we'. You had nothing with him. You may have had a crush or THOUGHT you loved him, but I'm is mutual.

I watched you cry over him.

I watched you go nuts over him.

I watched you give up your world for him.

What did he give you?


What should you have given him?


You owe him nothing.

He owes you nothing.

You think it's the worst it can be, but it's not.

You're still a virgin, you didn't sleep with happy.

You're still alive, your dad didn't kill happy.

You've still got your morals, you didn't destroy happy.

You're not knocked up, you've still got your happy.

You didn't ruin your happy.

There are tons, I mean TONS of things that could have made it worse.

I do know what it's like to think you love someone when they don't have mutual feelings...but it's different if they once did or ever do have mutual feelings. You never got that.

He's not going to be as hard to get over as you think.


Nothing is there to stop you.

You don't have any regrets and shouldn't.

So what? You told him how you feel? Yes, it took guts, but now you know how to do it. You learned something.

You are not tied to him.

You're not bond to him.

You're not stuck.

You can be free...but you're choosing not to be.

You're choosing to cling to what you NEVER had.

You're making it worse.

Oh wow, you laughed with him...yes, FRIENDS do that...but you want more and while you want more, you'll never be TRUE friends.

No, I'm not done kicking your arse, but I'll stop for now because by now you're pissed.

But you're not pissed at me. You're pissed at yourself.

You feel stupid and alone.

You feel used and abused.

You feel cheated and lied to.

But you're not.

You're not stupid.

You're not alone.

You weren't used.

You weren't abused.

You weren't cheated.

You weren't lied to.

Fuck, he told you the truth. THE TRUTH.

Now, you must accept it and listen to us.

You have no reason...NONE to still talk to him.

You had no children, you had no real commitment, you had NOTHING keeping you attached.

Now, you can choose to do the right thing, or you can choose to sit around and get hurt more.

That choice is yours.

But beware, if you pick the later, you WILL get a bigger arse kickin' and it's because I love you, girl.

I'm here and you know that.


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