Quotes To Remember

Below you will find an array of quotes. These quotes came from my friends. I've decided to compile them and read them when I'm sad...like...now.


"I know things may not be exactly how you planned but trust me it's a gift from God."

"Hang in there and take care of yourself."

"Finish school and continue to follow your dreams it's gonna be even harder but it can be done."

"You've got my prayers."

"Everyone should remember that a baby is a gift from God - a blessing."

"Keep praying, believe me, He's definitely listening up there."

"Be happy. Don't cry always keep your head up straight no matter the situation."

"Stay Away from marines"

"I don't want to lose you."

"let me tell you....if you would have swallowed it...you wouldn�t have become pregnant!"

"today is tomorrow already yesterday...

it is not that important, what happens today... there will be another day... and then... what happened today... is already the past!"

"You know you always have me, girl and you've got such a bright future ahead of you. Don't you ever talk down about yourself."

"I know you're confused and life sucks, but remember there is still a lot of people that love ya"

"No matter how you feel, or whatever, or anything, do everything well and right the first time."

"You'll be alright, if anyone is...it'll be you, Roni."

"This baby is going to have the best mother ever."

"You'll be a great mom and I'm sure Josh will be a great dad."

"If you treat your baby half as good as you treat your new printer, it'll be in good hands."

"You can do this. You can get through. If anyone can, it's you."

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